Fluxon.Components.Alert (Fluxon v1.0.20)

A versatile alert component for displaying status messages, notifications, and interactive feedback. Built with accessibility and flexibility in mind, it provides a comprehensive solution for communicating important information through visually distinct and accessible alerts.

Flash Messages

The alert component is not intended to replace Phoenix's flash messages. For a similar aesthetic in flash messages, it's recommended to apply the alert component's styles to the original <.flash /> component.


The component can be used with simple text content for straightforward messages:

<.alert>Simple alert message</.alert>

Alert Message

Visual Variants

The component supports different visual styles through the variant attribute, each designed for specific types of messages:

<.alert variant="info" title="Update Available">
  A new version of the application is ready to install.

<.alert variant="success" title="Order Confirmed">
  Your order has been successfully processed.

<.alert variant="warning" title="Session Expiring">
  Your session will expire in 5 minutes.

<.alert variant="error" title="Connection Lost">
  Unable to connect to the server.

Alert Variants

Each variant comes with its own color scheme and icon, optimized for both light and dark modes:

  • default: Neutral styling for general messages
  • info: Blue accents for informational messages
  • success: Green accents for success messages
  • warning: Amber accents for warning messages
  • error: Red accents for error messages
  • neutral: Gray styling for system messages

Content Structure

Alerts can display content in multiple ways to match your messaging needs:

Simple Text

For basic messages without additional context:

<.alert>Your changes have been saved.</.alert>

With Title

For messages that need a clear heading:

<.alert title="Profile Updated">
  Your profile changes have been saved successfully.

With Title and Subtitle

For complex messages that need additional context:

  title="Scheduled Maintenance"
  subtitle="System Update"
  The system will be unavailable on Saturday from 2 AM to 4 AM.

Interactive Features

Dismissible Alerts

By default, alerts include a close button. This behavior can be customized:

<!-- Non-dismissible alert -->
<.alert hide_close>
  This alert cannot be dismissed

<!-- Custom close behavior -->
<.alert on_close={JS.push("handle_alert_close", value: %{id: @alert_id})}>
  This alert triggers a custom event when closed

Custom Actions

Alerts can include interactive elements for user actions:

  title="Unsaved Changes"
  You have unsaved changes that will be lost.

  <div class="mt-4 flex space-x-2">
    <.button size="xs">Save Changes</.button>
    <.button size="xs" variant="ghost">Discard</.button>

Rich Content Alert

Icon Customization

The component provides flexibility in how icons are displayed:

<!-- No icon -->
<.alert hide_icon>
  Message without icon

<!-- Custom icon -->
    <.icon name="hero-bell" class="size-5" />
  Custom notification icon

Alert With Custom Icon



Renders an alert component with support for various visual styles and interactive elements.



Renders an alert component with support for various visual styles and interactive elements.


  • id (:string) - The unique identifier for the alert element. If not provided, a random ID will be generated.

  • class (:any) - Additional CSS classes to apply to the alert element. These are merged with the component's base classes and variant-specific styles.

    Defaults to nil.

  • title (:string) - The main heading text of the alert. When provided, creates a title section styled according to the chosen variant's color scheme.

    Defaults to nil.

  • subtitle (:string) - Secondary text displayed alongside the title. Only rendered when either title or subtitle is present.

    Defaults to nil.

  • variant (:string) - The visual style variant of the alert. Affects the entire component's appearance:

    • default: White background with zinc accents
    • neutral: Light gray background with zinc accents
    • error: Light red background with red accents
    • success: Light green background with green accents
    • info: Light blue background with sky blue accents
    • warning: Light amber background with amber accents

    Defaults to "default".

  • hide_icon (:boolean) - When true, hides the alert's status icon. Defaults to false.

  • hide_close (:boolean) - When true, hides the alert's close button. Defaults to false.

  • on_close (Phoenix.LiveView.JS) - LiveView JS commands to execute when the alert is closed. Defaults to %Phoenix.LiveView.JS{ops: []}.


  • inner_block - The main content to be displayed in the alert body. Renders with variant-specific text colors.
  • icon - Optional custom icon to replace the default status icon. If not provided and hide_icon is false, a default icon based on the variant will be shown.