Fluxon.Components.Navlist (Fluxon v1.0.20)

A comprehensive navigation system for building structured, accessible navigation menus.

This component provides a flexible solution for creating navigation interfaces across your application. It offers a hierarchical structure with support for sections, headings, and interactive links, making it suitable for sidebars, settings pages, and other navigation-heavy interfaces.

The navigation system consists of three main components working together:

  • navlist: The main container that provides structure and spacing
  • navheading: Optional section headers for organizing navigation groups
  • navlink: Interactive navigation items with LiveView integration

The navigation system follows a structured hierarchical organization:

 navheading (optional)

This structure ensures proper spacing, accessibility, and visual organization while maintaining flexibility for various navigation patterns, including nested and expandable navigation.


The navlist component provides a structured way to build navigation menus:

<.navlist heading="Main Navigation">
  <.navlink navigate={~p"/dashboard"} active>
    <.icon name="hero-home" class="size-5" /> Dashboard
  <.navlink navigate={~p"/projects"}>
    <.icon name="hero-folder" class="size-5" /> Projects
  <.navlink navigate={~p"/settings"}>
    <.icon name="hero-cog-6-tooth" class="size-5" /> Settings

Basic Navlist

Multiple Sections

Create structured navigation with multiple sections:

<.navlist heading="Main">
  <.navlink navigate={~p"/dashboard"} active>
    <.icon name="hero-home" class="size-5" /> Dashboard
  <.navlink navigate={~p"/projects"}>
    <.icon name="hero-folder" class="size-5" /> Projects

<.navlist heading="Settings">
  <.navlink navigate={~p"/profile"}>
    <.icon name="hero-user" class="size-5" /> Profile
  <.navlink navigate={~p"/preferences"}>
    <.icon name="hero-cog-6-tooth" class="size-5" /> Preferences

Multiple Sections

Badges and Counters

Enhance navigation items with badges and counters:

<.navlist heading="Inbox">
  <.navlink href="/inbox/unread">
    <.badge variant="pill" color="red" class="ml-auto">23</.badge>

  <.navlink href="/inbox/starred">
    <.badge variant="pill" class="ml-auto">5</.badge>

Navigation with Badges

Expandable Navigation

Create hierarchical navigation with expandable sections using LiveView's JS commands:

<.navlist heading="Sales">
  <.navlink phx-click={JS.toggle_attribute({"data-expanded", ""})}>
    <.icon name="hero-users" class="size-5" /> Customers
      class="size-3 ml-auto text-zinc-500 [[data-expanded]_&]:rotate-90 transition-transform duration-200"
  <div class="grid grid-rows-[0fr] [[data-expanded]~&]:grid-rows-[1fr] transition-all duration-200">
    <div class="overflow-hidden px-4 -mr-4 border-l ml-3">
        <.navlink phx-click={JS.toggle_attribute({"data-expanded", ""})}>
            class="size-3 ml-auto text-zinc-500 [[data-expanded]_&]:rotate-90 transition-transform duration-200"
        <div class="grid grid-rows-[0fr] [[data-expanded]+&]:grid-rows-[1fr] transition-all duration-200">
          <div class="overflow-hidden px-4 border-l ml-3">
              <.navlink navigate="/invoices">Invoices</.navlink>
              <.navlink navigate="/orders">Orders</.navlink>

        <.navlink navigate="/customer-groups">Customer Groups</.navlink>

        <.navlink phx-click={JS.toggle_attribute({"data-expanded", ""})}>
            class="size-3 ml-auto text-zinc-500 [[data-expanded]_&]:rotate-90 transition-transform duration-200"
        <div class="grid grid-rows-[0fr] [[data-expanded]+&]:grid-rows-[1fr] transition-all duration-200">
          <div class="overflow-hidden px-4 border-l ml-3">
              <.navlink navigate="/segments/active">Active</.navlink>
              <.navlink navigate="/segments/at-risk">At Risk</.navlink>
  <.navlink navigate="/subscriptions">
    <.icon name="hero-arrow-path" class="size-5" /> Subscriptions

Expandable Navigation

The expandable navigation pattern uses several key techniques:

  • JS.toggle_attribute/1 for client-side toggling of expanded state
  • Grid-based height animation for smooth transitions
  • Nested navlists for hierarchical structure
  • Visual indicators with rotating chevron icons
  • Left border and padding for visual hierarchy

Rich Navigation Examples

Create visually rich navigation interfaces with custom styling:

  <.navheading class="text-xs uppercase font-medium text-zinc-400 dark:text-zinc-500">

      {icon, label, badge, path, active} <- [
        {"hero-users", "Customers", nil, ~p"/customers", false},
        {"hero-shopping-bag", "Subscriptions", "23", ~p"/subscriptions", true},
        {"hero-cube", "Products", nil, ~p"/products", false},
        {"hero-tag", "Coupons", nil, ~p"/coupons", false}
      "group py-2 relative",
      "hover:text-blue-600 hover:bg-white hover:shadow",
      "hover:ring-1 ring-zinc-200",
      "hover:after:absolute hover:after:inset-y-0 hover:after:left-0",
      "hover:after:my-1.5 hover:after:w-1 hover:after:bg-blue-600",
    <.icon class="size-5 text-zinc-500 dark:text-zinc-400 group-hover:text-blue-600" name={icon} />
    <span class="grow">{label}</span>
    <.badge :if={badge} color="blue">{badge}</.badge>

Customized Navigation



Renders a navigation section heading with proper styling and spacing.

Renders an interactive navigation link with support for active states and LiveView integration.

Renders a navigation list container with optional heading and structured content.
