Fluxon.Components.Popover (Fluxon v1.0.20)

A powerful and accessible popover component that displays floating content anchored to a trigger element.

This component provides a flexible solution for building tooltips, contextual menus, and interactive content that needs to be anchored to specific elements on the page. It offers a fully accessible implementation with keyboard navigation, automatic positioning, and proper focus management.


Create a simple informational tooltip:

<.popover open_on_hover>
  <.icon name="hero-information-circle" class="text-zinc-400" />

    <p class="text-sm">The invoice will be generated at the end of the month.</p>

Basic Tooltip

Interactive Content

Build rich interactive menus with forms and actions:

<.popover placement="bottom-end" class="w-64">
  <.button variant="ghost">
    <.icon name="hero-cog-6-tooth" /> Settings

    <div class="space-y-4">
      <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
        <span class="text-sm font-medium">Dark Mode</span>
        <.switch name="dark_mode" checked />

      <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
        <span class="text-sm font-medium">Notifications</span>
        <.switch name="notifications" />

      <.button size="sm" class="w-full">
        <.icon name="hero-arrow-path" class="icon" /> Reset Preferences

Interactive Menu

Search Suggestions

Create dynamic search suggestions with focus interaction:

<.popover open_on_focus placement="bottom-start" class="w-80">
  <.input type="search" placeholder="Search users..." phx-debounce="300" />

    <div :if={@loading} class="p-4 flex justify-center">
      <.loading />

    <div :for={user <- @users} class="p-2 hover:bg-zinc-50 cursor-pointer">
      <div class="font-medium">{user.name}</div>
      <div class="text-sm text-zinc-600">{user.email}</div>

Search Suggestions

Form Field Help

Provide contextual help for form fields:

<.input name="api-key" label="API Key" value="sk_test_..." class="font-mono">
    <.popover open_on_hover placement="right">
      <.icon name="hero-question-mark-circle" class="text-zinc-400" />

        <div class="max-w-xs space-y-2">
          <p class="text-sm font-medium">About API Keys</p>
          <p class="text-sm text-zinc-600">
            Your API key is used to authenticate requests. Keep it secure and
            never share it publicly.
          <.link class="text-sm text-blue-600 hover:underline" href="/docs/api-keys">
            Learn more about API keys →

Form Help


Create filter panels:

<.popover placement="bottom-end" class="w-64">
  <.button variant="ghost">
    <.icon name="hero-adjustments-horizontal" class="icon" /> Table settings
    <h3 class="dark:text-zinc-300 font-medium">Table settings</h3>
    <div class="flex items-center gap-2 text-sm mt-3">
      <.icon name="hero-arrows-up-down" class="text-zinc-700 dark:text-zinc-300 size-4" /> Sort by
      <div class="ml-auto flex items-center gap-2">
          options={["Name", "Date", "Size", "Type", "Modified"]}
          class="py-1 shadow-none"
    <div class="flex items-center gap-2 text-sm mt-2">
      <.icon name="hero-view-columns" class="text-zinc-700 dark:text-zinc-300 size-4" /> View
      <div class="ml-auto flex items-center gap-2">
          options={["List", "Board", "Calendar", "Timeline"]}
          class="py-1 shadow-none"

    <.separator class="my-4" />

    <h3 class="dark:text-zinc-300 font-medium">Columns</h3>

    <div class="flex items-center justify-between mt-3">
      <.label for="name" class="text-zinc-700 dark:text-zinc-300">Name</.label>
      <.switch name="name" checked id="name" />

    <div class="flex items-center justify-between mt-3">
      <.label for="date" class="text-zinc-700 dark:text-zinc-300">Date</.label>
      <.switch name="date" checked id="date" />

    <div class="flex items-center justify-between mt-3">
      <.label for="size" class="text-zinc-700 dark:text-zinc-300">Size</.label>
      <.switch name="size" checked id="size" />

    <div class="flex items-center justify-between mt-3">
      <.label for="type" class="text-zinc-700 dark:text-zinc-300">Type</.label>
      <.switch name="type" id="type" />

    <div class="flex items-center justify-between mt-3">
      <.label for="modified" class="text-zinc-700 dark:text-zinc-300">Modified</.label>
      <.switch name="modified" id="modified" />




Renders a popover component with rich interaction support and automatic positioning.



Renders a popover component with rich interaction support and automatic positioning.

This component provides a flexible way to create tooltips, contextual menus, and other floating content that needs to be anchored to specific elements. It supports multiple interaction modes and intelligent positioning while maintaining accessibility.


  • id (:string) - Optional unique identifier for the popover. If not provided, a random ID will be generated. Useful when you need to programmatically control the popover.

  • class (:any) - Additional CSS classes to be applied to the popover content container. Useful for controlling width, padding, and other visual styles.

    Defaults to nil.

  • open_on_hover (:boolean) - When true, the popover will open when hovering over the trigger element. Perfect for tooltip-like behavior and quick information display.

    Defaults to false.

  • open_on_focus (:boolean) - When true, the popover will open when the trigger element receives focus. Ideal for form helpers, search suggestions, and accessibility improvements.

    Defaults to false.

  • placement (:string) - Controls the preferred placement of the popover relative to its trigger element. The actual placement may adjust automatically if there isn't enough space.

    Available options:

    • top, top-start, top-end: Above the trigger
    • bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end: Below the trigger
    • left, left-start, left-end: To the left of the trigger
    • right, right-start, right-end: To the right of the trigger

    The -start and -end variants control alignment along the cross axis.

    Defaults to "top".


  • inner_block (required) - The trigger element that will open the popover. This can be any HTML element or component, such as a button, input, or custom element.

  • content (required) - The content to display in the popover. Can contain any HTML or components, from simple text to complex interactive elements like forms or menus.