Fluxon.Components.Sheet (Fluxon v1.0.20)

A powerful and accessible sheet component that provides a sliding panel interface for displaying content. Built with LiveView integration in mind, this component offers rich features for both client and server-side control.

Sheet vs Modal

The sheet and modal components share the same core functionality and API. They are interchangeable in terms of features and behavior, differing mainly in their visual presentation. While modals are centered overlays, sheets slide in from the screen edges, making them better suited for side panels, drawers, and mobile-friendly interfaces. See Fluxon.Components.Modal if you need a centered overlay.

Opening and Closing

While opening and closing a sheet is straightforward in most cases, the component provides various approaches to handle different scenarios, particularly when working with LiveView.

Basic Client-Side Control

The most common use case is opening a sheet via button click and closing it through standard actions (click outside, "X" button, ESC key):

<.button phx-click={Fluxon.open_dialog("filters-sheet")}>Filters</.button>

<.sheet id="filters-sheet">
  <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold mb-4">Filters</h3>

  <div class="space-y-4">
    <!-- Filter content -->

  <.button phx-click={Fluxon.close_dialog("filters-sheet")}>Apply</.button>

In this example, the Fluxon.open_dialog/1 function handles the sheet opening while the Fluxon.close_dialog/1 function handles the sheet closing, both handled on the client side.

Open on Page Load

For scenarios requiring an immediately visible sheet, use the open attribute:

<.sheet id="welcome-sheet" open>

The sheet will slide in as soon as the LiveView is mounted, with proper focus management.

Server-Side Control

The component offers two approaches for server-side sheet control:

1. Using the open attribute

The open attribute provides declarative control based on server-side state:

<.button phx-click="show-sheet">Open Filters</.button>

<.sheet id="filters-sheet" open={@show_filters}>

The sheet's visibility is tied to the @show_filters assign's value.

2. Using the Fluxon.open_dialog/2 function

For more programmatic control within LiveView:

<.sheet id="filters-sheet" prevent_closing>
  Server controlled sheet
def handle_event("apply_filters", params, socket) do
  # Apply filters logic
  {:noreply, socket |> Fluxon.close_dialog("filters-sheet")}

The prevent_closing attribute ensures the sheet can only be closed through server-side events.

Client Side vs. Server Side State Synchronization

When controlling a sheet with LiveView assigns (e.g., open={@show_filters}), be aware that closing actions like ESC key, clicking outside, or the "X" button are handled client-side for better UX. This means the sheet will close in the browser immediately, but the server's @show_filters assign will remain true, causing a state mismatch.

You can handle this in two ways:

1. Using the on_close attribute (Recommended)

The on_close attribute lets you handle any sheet closing event, whether triggered by client-side actions or server commands. Use it to push an event back to the server to update the LiveView state:

<.sheet id="filters-sheet" open={@show_filters} on_close={JS.push("hide_filters")}>

2. Server-Side Only Control

For complete control over the sheet's lifecycle, use prevent_closing to disable all client-side closing behaviors. The sheet will only respond to server commands, ensuring perfect state synchronization at the cost of standard interactions:

<.sheet id="filters-sheet" open={@show_filters} prevent_closing>
  <.button phx-click="hide_filters">Close</.button>

Note: The second approach is best suited for critical operations like form submissions or multi-step workflows where you need to validate or process data before allowing the sheet to close.

Dynamic Content

A common use case is to use the same sheet component to display different content. For example, we might want to show different filter options based on the context:

<.sheet id="filter-sheet" on_close={JS.push("reset_filters")}>
  <div :if={@filter_context}>
    <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold mb-4">{@filter_context.title}</h3>

    <div :for={filter <- @filter_context.filters} class="mb-4">

<.button phx-click={Fluxon.open_dialog("filter-sheet") |> JS.push("load_user_filters")}>
  User Filters

<.button phx-click={Fluxon.open_dialog("filter-sheet") |> JS.push("load_date_filters")}>
  Date Filters

In this example, there are a few important things to notice:

  1. The Fluxon.open_dialog/1 function will be called to open the sheet. This will happen in the client side so the sheet will open instantly.
  2. The JS.push/2 function will be called to push a new event to the server to update the @filter_context assign with the appropriate filters.
  3. When the @filter_context assign is present (updated), it will be displayed in the sheet.
  4. When the sheet is closed, the reset_filters event will be pushed to the server to reset the state.

It's worth mentioning that this is a simple example and it's not optimized for a good UX. In a real scenario, you would want to display a loading state, have a fixed size sheet to avoid content shifting, maybe an animation when the content is loaded, etc. Here's some ideas:

<.sheet id="filter-sheet" class="w-80" on_close={JS.push("reset_filters")}>
  <div class="min-h-[300px] relative">
    <div :if={!@filter_context} class="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center">
      <.loading />

    <div :if={@filter_context} class="animate-in slide-in-from-right">
      <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold mb-4">{@filter_context.title}</h3>
      <!-- Filter content -->


The sheet component provides four placement options to slide in from different edges of the screen. This is particularly useful for different types of interactions and content:

<!-- Left drawer, great for navigation -->
<.sheet id="nav-sheet" placement="left" class="w-80">
  <nav class="space-y-2">
    <!-- Navigation items -->

<!-- Right sheet, perfect for filters or details -->
<.sheet id="details-sheet" placement="right" class="w-96">
  <!-- Details content -->

<!-- Top sheet, useful for notifications or banners -->
<.sheet id="notification-sheet" placement="top" class="h-32">
  <!-- Notification content -->

<!-- Bottom sheet, ideal for mobile interactions -->
<.sheet id="actions-sheet" placement="bottom" class="h-96">
  <!-- Action items -->

Available placement options:

  • left: Slides in from the left edge
  • right: Slides in from the right edge
  • top: Slides in from the top edge
  • bottom: Slides in from the bottom edge

Size Control and Scrolling

By default, the sheet will take up the full height (for left/right placement) or full width (for top/bottom placement) of the viewport. The width or height can be controlled via classes, and content will scroll when it exceeds the available space.

Here's how you can control the sheet's dimensions and scrolling behavior:

<.sheet id="settings-sheet" placement="right" class="w-96">
  <!-- Fixed header -->
  <header class="border-b border-zinc-100 -mx-6 px-6 pb-4 mb-4">
    <h2 class="text-lg font-semibold">Settings</h2>

  <!-- Scrollable content -->
  <div class="space-y-4">
    <div :for={setting <- @settings} class="py-2 border-b border-zinc-100 last:border-0">
      <div class="font-medium">{setting.name}</div>
      <div class="text-sm text-zinc-600">{setting.description}</div>

  <!-- Fixed footer -->
  <div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 border-t border-zinc-100 px-6 py-4 bg-white">
    <.button phx-click={Fluxon.close_dialog("settings-sheet")}>


Forms in sheets work just like regular LiveView forms, making them perfect for collecting user input in a side panel:

<.sheet id="new-user-sheet" placement="right" class="w-96">
  <.form for={@form} phx-submit="save_user">
    <div class="space-y-4">
      <header class="mb-4">
        <h2 class="text-lg font-semibold">New User</h2>
        <p class="text-sm text-zinc-600">Create a new user account.</p>

      <.input field={@form[:name]} label="Name" />
      <.input field={@form[:email]} type="email" label="Email" />
      <.input field={@form[:role]} type="select" label="Role" options={["admin", "user"]} />

      <div class="flex justify-end gap-3 mt-6">
        <.button phx-click={Fluxon.close_dialog("new-user-sheet")}>
        <.button type="submit" phx-disable-with="Creating...">
          Create User

For a better user experience, we can automatically close the sheet after successful form submission using Fluxon.close_dialog/2 in the LiveView callback:

def handle_event("save_user", %{"user" => user_params}, socket) do
  case Accounts.create_user(user_params) do
    {:ok, _user} ->
       |> put_flash(:info, "User created successfully")
       |> Fluxon.close_dialog("new-user-sheet")}

    {:error, changeset} ->
      {:noreply, assign(socket, form: to_form(changeset))}



Renders a sheet component.



Renders a sheet component.

The sheet component provides a sliding panel interface for displaying content that enters from the edge of the screen. It includes built-in accessibility features, keyboard navigation support, and smooth slide animations.


  • Fully accessible with proper ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation
  • Smooth slide animations from any screen edge
  • Backdrop overlay with click-to-close functionality
  • Focus management and trapping
  • Flexible content area supporting any HTML or components
  • Customizable close behavior


  • id (:string) (required) - The unique identifier for the sheet component. This ID is used to target the sheet for opening, closing, and managing focus. Must be unique across all sheets on the page.

  • open (:boolean) - Whether the sheet is initially open. When true, the sheet will slide in immediately when mounted. Useful for showing sheets based on server-side conditions.

    Defaults to false.

  • on_close (Phoenix.LiveView.JS) - JavaScript commands to execute when the sheet is closed. Can be used to trigger additional actions or animations when the sheet closes. Accepts a Phoenix.LiveView.JS command chain.

    Defaults to %Phoenix.LiveView.JS{ops: []}.

  • on_open (Phoenix.LiveView.JS) - JavaScript commands to execute when the sheet is opened. Can be used to trigger additional actions or animations when the sheet opens. Accepts a Phoenix.LiveView.JS command chain.

    Defaults to %Phoenix.LiveView.JS{ops: []}.

  • class (:any) - Additional CSS classes to be applied to the sheet content container. These classes will be merged with the default styles. Useful for customizing the sheet's appearance or dimensions.

    Defaults to "".

  • close_on_esc (:boolean) - Whether to close the sheet when the Escape key is pressed. When true, provides a standard keyboard shortcut for dismissing the sheet, improving accessibility.

    Defaults to true.

  • close_on_outside_click (:boolean) - Whether to close the sheet when clicking outside of its content area. When true, allows users to dismiss the sheet by clicking on the backdrop overlay.

    Defaults to true.

  • prevent_closing (:boolean) - When true, prevents the sheet from being closed through standard interactions (Escape key, backdrop click, close button). Useful for critical dialogs that require explicit user action.

    Defaults to false.

  • hide_close_button (:boolean) - Whether to hide the close button in the top-right corner. When true, removes the standard close button, useful when providing custom close controls or when the sheet should only be closed through specific actions.

    Defaults to false.

  • animation (:string) - Base animation classes applied to the sheet. Controls the transition timing and easing function. Can be customized to match your application's animation style.

    Defaults to "transition duration-200 ease-in-out".

  • animation_enter (:string) - Classes applied when the sheet enters. Defines the final state of the slide animation when the sheet becomes visible. Automatically set based on placement.

  • animation_leave (:string) - Classes applied when the sheet leaves. Defines the state of the exit animation when the sheet is being hidden. Automatically set based on placement.

  • backdrop_class (:string) - Additional CSS classes for the sheet backdrop overlay. These classes will be merged with the default backdrop styles. Useful for customizing the overlay's appearance.

    Defaults to "".

  • placement (:string) - Controls which edge of the screen the sheet slides in from. Available options:

    • left: Slides in from the left edge
    • right: Slides in from the right edge
    • top: Slides in from the top edge
    • bottom: Slides in from the bottom edge

    Defaults to "left".


  • inner_block (required) - The content of the sheet. Can contain any HTML or components to create complex interfaces. Common patterns include headers, content sections, and footer areas with action buttons.